Covid-19 vaccinations begin at Basingstoke Fire Station

Firefighters from across the county will be aiding their NHS colleagues on the frontlines by administering vaccines to the community.


01/02/2021 11:25am


Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service

A vaccination centre at Basingstoke Fire Station has seen its first vaccines delivered today (Monday 1 February) to those most at risk of the virus.

The centre will open 7 days a week, 8am to 8pm, and will complement vaccination provisions at GP-led and hospital services across the region.

People who book into a vaccine centre will be greeted by a dedicated team of clinicians, vaccinators, administrative staff and volunteers who will help make a visit run as smoothly and safely as possible.

Included in those vaccinators who start today are:

  • Watch Manager – Kev Robson
  • Crew Manager – Ian Tranham
  • Firefighter – Ross Turner
  • Firefighter – Stephen Holder
  • Firefighter – Martin Phoenix
  • Policy and Planning Lead – Amanda Martin

Watch Manager Kev Robson said:

“I am extremely proud to be supporting our NHS colleagues and the wider community by administering vaccines.

“It is a team effort and everyone has come together to play their part in the fight again Covid -19.”

Basingstoke Station Manager Keith Jones said:

“We are delighted that we are able to support the vaccine rollout here at Basingstoke Fire Station and play our part in protecting our local community.

“Our firefighters are adjusting our way of working to fulfil the requirements of a vaccination centre.

“A lot of work has been undertaken with our health partners and across the entire organisation to reach this point and ensure that the fire service continues to make life safer.”

Dr Dan Baylis, Chief Medical Officer at Solent NHS Trust, said:

“We are really excited to be expanding the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccination programme.

“The scale of vaccinations happening every day across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight is thanks to the hard work and dedication of all the staff and volunteers involved.

“We are especially grateful to our partners who are offering mutual aid to helps us vaccinate as many people as possible.”

A further 90 volunteers from across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight fire services are in the process of being trained to become vaccinators also and will be at vaccination centres throughout the two counties.

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