J, age 65, Self-neglect

J is a 65 year old male who lives in a private owned semi-detached property and had a previous career in finance.

J is an individual who was presenting risks for self neglect including the neglect of his home environment. There were multiple burn marks in carpets, furniture, bedding and J’s clothing from discarded cigarettes.

Due to J’s alcohol consumption and poor mobility there were concerns for his ability to react to a potential fire situation and to evacuate in the event of a fire. John’s nutrition and health were poor due to only eating convenience “snack foods”.

J was known to Adult Services, various Care Provider agencies, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service (HIWFRS) and the police and ambulance service.

As a result of multi-agency involvement, J had smoke detection installed throughout his property.  Fire retardant bedding and sofa coverings were provided, and telecare was installed which was interlinked to the smoke detection. Carers were also provided to support J with his personal care and meal provisions.

In 2020, unfortunately, a discarded cigarette caused a pile of paperwork to catch alight. HIWFRS crews were alerted to the fire by the Telecare company after they received notification that the smoke detector had activated.

Due to concerns for J’s escalating fire risks; his lack of ability to safely respond to a fire situation, and the ongoing concerns for self neglect, a Section 42 Safeguarding Enquiry (statutory safeguarding enquiry under the Care Act 2014) was initiated.

As part of the safeguarding enquiry, a capacity assessment in regards to fire safety was conducted jointly between Adult Services and HIWFRS. J was assessed to have capacity with his understanding and decision making for fire safety.

J informed all agencies that he wished to continue smoking, however wanted to do so in a safer manner. J also wanted to reduce his alcohol intake as he was aware of the health and fire risk implications this was presenting.

The Safeguarding enquiry also resulted in; fire buckets and sand being obtained and provided to enable John to discard of his cigarettes safely; replacement fire retardant bedding and throws provided; and Fire Suppression systems explored for J’s property.

Care assessments and plans were updated to incorporate fire risks and the ongoing control measures required in order to suitably reduce the fire risks.

The safeguarding enquiry was closed after a few months due to a successful reduction in risk and improved safety, whilst at the same time ensuring the primary focus of the enquiry centred on J’s wishes and decisions regarding how he wanted to live his life (using a person-centred approach).

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