We do more than tackle fires and rescue people. Catch up with all the latest that we have been involved in.
Incidents & NewsCommunity is at the heart of what we do. We’re proud to support and protect the wonderfully diverse community in which we serve.
Community workWe’re committed to keeping our communities safe, well and informed and our prevention and protection work plays a large role in this.
SafetyBehind every firefighter there are specialist support teams all playing their part, helping to save lives
Current vacanciesIf you need to get in touch or find a form. Remember phone 999 if it is an emergency.
Online formsWe are excited to launch the 4LSAB (Local Safeguarding Adult Boards) Multi-Agency Fire Safety Framework!
The Multi-Agency Fire Safety Framework has been developed to provide all frontline staff and other professionals who are responsible for delivering care and support services with support and guidance for the effective management of fire risks within the home or residential setting.
This tool will help to provide an awareness of:
Vulnerability Risk Factors include:
We are committed to working in collaboration with partners to reduce the risk of accidental fire from occurring, to protect adults with needs of care and support, family members or other occupants.
Every year the Fire Safety Development Group (FSDG) publishes an annual learning briefing. The briefing is an annual learning summary taken from cases reviewed by the FSDG members throughout the year. This is shared with all FSDG members and the 4 Local Safeguarding Adults Boards (4LSAB) across Hampshire, Southampton, Portsmouth and IOW, who then distribute this learning across a broad range of statutory and non-statutory partner agencies.
Read the FSDG Annual Learning Briefing 2021
Read the FSDG Annual Learning Briefing 2022
Read the FSDG Annual Learning Briefing 2023