We do more than tackle fires and rescue people. Catch up with all the latest that we have been involved in.
Incidents & NewsCommunity is at the heart of what we do. We’re proud to support and protect the wonderfully diverse community in which we serve.
Community workWe’re committed to keeping our communities safe, well and informed and our prevention and protection work plays a large role in this.
SafetyBehind every firefighter there are specialist support teams all playing their part, helping to save lives
Current vacanciesIf you need to get in touch or find a form. Remember phone 999 if it is an emergency.
Online formsWe’re looking for team leaders, deputy team leaders or employed participants to help us deliver our Team Programme.
The 12 week personal development course of up to 18 young people, aged 16 – 25 years old, is your opportunity to work with a diverse group, make a real difference and aid their journey back into education, training or work. You’ll develop your own personal and social skills and realise talents you never knew you had.
Secondments for team leaders and deputies last a minimum of 18 weeks and would require you to recruit for the programme, lead and work with a diverse group of young people.
Employed participants take part in the programme whilst still working their normal jobs, doing 20 days throughout the 12 week programme.
If you would like to join the team or find out about secondment opportunities please email princes-trust@hantsfire.gov.uk.
“I’m a girl who likes a challenge. Trekking to the South Pole at the end of the 2013 gave me the perfect focus for my rehabilitation following surgery in 2012, but an expedition of that nature does beg the question, what next? My return to work was cut short by another stint in hospital, but the three month interval couldn’t have been better filled than by my secondment to the Prince’s Trust.
“Of the 14 young people who started the course I was working on, 13 finished and they all gained some level of qualification. Two have since found employment, one has been accepted to volunteer in Africa for ICS (International Citizen Services) and one has applied to join the Army.
“They were a real privilege to work with and I have come away from the experience having learned a huge amount about how to manage people and situations, how to motivate and get the best out of people and how to work with those who have no sense of discipline or real understanding of respect.
“This was a fantastic opportunity for me, and I left my time with the Prince’s Trust knowing that I’d made a real difference to people’s lives.”
“I saw the advert for the scheme on my Civil Service Department intranet. I wanted to work on my leadership skills (to improve my inability to delegate, trust my team to do the job and give them the opportunities to succeed), I wanted to improve my problem solving skills (to be able to identify issues as they arise ad be able to lead the team to find a resolution), and to be able to prioritise and delegate more tasks to help me forward plan and effectively organise future tasks and work.
“I was interested in working alongside a group of young people at an age I was not used to in an attempt to encourage and inspire them to start to change their lives and routines. My Department paid me for the 20 days I volunteered over a 12 week period, and helped me by ensuring my work was covered back in the office.
“The whole experience was humbling, involved some stress, and at times frightening (the personal fears I overcame on the residential trip), but overall deeply satisfying. It was a privilege to be involved in helping and hoping to change young peoples lives.”